General announcements and member news.
> Announcements
Updated June 2009
Updated June 2009
Attention all Newbies we have put together a first time brewers kit just for you!!
You will are able to check out a kit from the club that includes everything you need to make your first batch of beer.
A meesage from Joe regarding our last meeting
I think we had a great meeting Monday, I think that was the most different kinds of beer I have ever tasted in one sitting. I kegged my Oatmeal stout today and it turned out beautifully. I think it is the best beer I have made since i have been brewing, it taste just as I had hoped. I have learned so much from all of your input at the meetings. I doubt it will last until next meeting for you all to try. Once again thanks for everyones help, that is what this club needs to be all about.
Joe M.
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